All outlined teeth were removed with minimal trauma by Dr. Tam with no complications
Horizontally Impacted Wisdom ToothThis patient elected not to remove her wisdom teeth when it was recommended to her prior to starting her braces.
The impacted wisdom teeth had cause cavities & gum disease for both the wisdom teeth and the functional molars that are right next to them.
The pressure from the wisdom teeth had also caused crowding (misalignment) of her teeth after the braces were removed.These wisdom teeth were removed before the roots were fully formed. The risk of nerve damage upon wisdom teeth removal was reduced as root structure had not grown relatively close to the nerve yet.Both the lower wisdom teeth with severe angulation ,and the upper wisdom tooth which partially occupies the sinus were extracted by Dr. Tam with no complications.This patient presented to our office with severe pain and swelling. No one had ever told him that his wisdom teeth were impacted and needed removal.
Long term food trapping had caused a large cavity in his functional molar, which required root canal therapy. The root canal could have been avoided if the problem was discovered early enough.