All procedures were performed by Dr. Tam from start to finish
A bridge that was replacing half of patient's upper teeth had fractured off after over 20 years of use. Patient refused to wear dentures as he wants to maintain his quality of life. Bone grafting was performed by Dr Tam to incrase the quantity of bone to allow ideal placements of titanium dental implants.A CBCT scan (3 dimensional x-ray) was done. Bone quantity, bone quality, proximity of vital structures, nerve and blood vessels were assessed in cooperation an oral radiologist. Ideal position and angulation of implants and the respective crowns (artificial teeth) were planned. Although dental implants could still be placed without the use of CBCT scan or bone grafting in the case, prognosis was significantly improved by doing so. Essentially, using properly sized and angled dental implants & SCREW-RETAINED crowns provided maximum longevity, esthetic and functionality for this patient.A surgical guide was created using 3D printing technology. This ensures that the titanium implants/screws are positioned exactly as planned. Only top tier implant systems with decades of proven track record are used. Other than patented designs that can provide the patient with the optimal combination of longevity, esthetic & reduced surgical requirement (for example, no need for grafting). If a crown does fracture decades down the road, replacement parts can be easily be sourced from these established global companies.After the healing/integration of implant and bone was completed, screw-retained crowns were placed on top of the titanium implants.Patient is now able to go to his favourite steakhouse, the same way he always had. He can smile with confidence, eat whatever he pleases and does not have the hassle of needing to take out and clean his denture every night.